Business Name
An antique silver Eyebath.
An arts and crafts silver Spoon by George Hunt.
An Austro-Hungarian silver-gilt Eyebath.
A pair of Scottish silver Fish Slices.
A French silver-gilt Magnifying Glass.
An Edwardian novelty silver Propelling Pencil and Cheroot Cutter.
An early George III silver Wine label for White Wine.
A late Victorian silver Cheese Scoop.
Two Edwardian silver novelty Peppers formed as articulated Dolls.
An unusual George III silver Fish Vinaigrette.
A gold Presentation Key.
A George III silver Waiter.
An Artificers' Guild arts and crafts silver and steel Trowel.
A modern silver Whisky Label.
An unmarked silver 19th century silver Invalid's Feeding Straw or Tune.
A European silver Eyebath.
A Victorian silver Ladle formed as Harlequin.
A George III silver old english pattern Serving Fork.
A Set of Scottish silver Commemorative Spoons.
An 18th century Dutch toy silver Spinning Wheel.
An Asprey's silver Snuffbox with a view of Parliament.
A George III silver Spirit Funnel.
A George III silver Wine label for Moselle.
A pair of George III silver Wine labels for Hock and Claret.