Business Name
A European silver Eyebath.
A Victorian silver Ladle formed as Harlequin.
A George III silver old english pattern Serving Fork.
A Set of Scottish silver Commemorative Spoons.
An 18th century Dutch toy silver Spinning Wheel.
An Asprey's silver Snuffbox with a view of Parliament.
A George III silver Spirit Funnel.
A George III silver Wine label for Moselle.
A pair of George III silver Wine labels for Hock and Claret.
A Victorian silver Butter Spade.
A Victorian novelty silver Propelling Pencil in the form of a Hand Bell.
A modernist silver Caddy Spoon by Graham Watling.
A Scottish silver Pickle Fork in the Celtic manner.
A Tasmanian silver Spoon.
An early 18th century Dutch silver Sweetmeat Fork
A George III silver Pencil Holder and Magnifier.
An arts and crafts silver Spoon by George Hunt.
An early 18th century Toy silver Knife and Fork.
An early Onslow pattern silver Sauce Ladle.
A late Victorian silver miniature Playing Card Box.
A novelty silver and enamel Card Player's Ash Tray.
A 17th century silver-mounted Note case.
An unusual Victorian silver Cross.