A George II triangular silver Stand for a Kettle.
A George II triangular Kettle stand, London 1736, Robert Abercrombie, engraved with the arms of Sir Edward Smyth [1686-1744], 3rd Baronet, of Hill Hall, Theydon Mount, Essex and his second wife, Elizabeth [Wood]. This waiter is mentioned in the will of Lady Elizabeth Smythe [N.R.A. Prob 11/763, June 1748. \nEngraved with a scratch weight 14=10. \n \n‘Item I give unto my daughter in Law Ann Smijth One Thousand pounds Capital East India Stock now standing in my Name chargeable .....And likewise the Enamelled picture of my late dear husband with the Chain and hook the same is fixed to my diamond Ear Rings and buckle and all my Rings my Silver Tea Kettle and Lamp my Silver Triangle Waiter for the Lamp my Silver Tea pot and little waiter belonging to it my little Silver Coffee pot my silver Cream boat my Silver Tea Table weighing about one hundred & twenty ounces with the Case thereto belonging my Silver preserving pan and skimmer a pair of my last new Silver Candlesticks and the Snuff pan thereto belonging my best hand Silver Candlestick Extinguisher and Wax Box twelve Silver Tea Spoons wrought and my Silver Tongs wrought therewith and together with the case thereto belonging and my Green wrought Bed with three pair of Window Curtains belonging to it and all my China and also the presses Bureau Table and everything which shall be found in the light Closet by my Bed Chamber at my decease ....’ \n \nThe ‘Tea table’ in this will was sold at Christie’s London 24/09/1985, lot 140. Condition: \n
\nDimensions: \nHeight - 2.90 cm.; Length of side [1]- 24.40 cm.; Length of side [2] - 24.90 cm.; Length of side [3] - 24.60 cm.; Weight - 449.20 gms.