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A Prisoner of War's Shell Spoon.
SKU O2041
A Shell Spoon Bowl, part missing, with pasted manuscript note stating: 'This was Captn. Moore's Spoon, the time he was Hida Allys Prisoner at Serringapatam 3½ years with Irons on his legs.' A further manuscript note reads: 'Taken prisoner 178...; Liberated 17...; Died 1838, Aged ...5' \nHaidar Ali [c.1722-1782], father of Tippoo Sahib, was ruler of the kingdom of Mysoe, including the island of Seringapatam, from circa 1761. Condition: \n
Cracked and with a piece missing.
\nDimensions: \nLength - 7.60 cm.; Width - 4.70 cm.
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