Business Name
A pair of George III silver Masonic Dividers.
A tiny Aberdeen silver mounted Snuff Mull.
An 18th century silver mounted Magnifying Glass.
A small 18th century Augsburg silver-gilt Funnel.
A Victorian silver artillery man's Range Finder.
A George II silver Wine Label for Port.
A George II silver Madeira Wine Label.
A 'China Trade' silver Wine Label for Sherry.
A Queen Anne silver Patch or Counter Box.
An unmarked silver Officer's Pipe Case.
A pair of George III folding Fruit Eaters.
A George III silver Decanter Collar.
A George III silver Caddy Spoon.
A William IV silver Caddy Spoon.
A Victorian silver-gilt 'naturalistic' Caddy Spoon.
A George III silver Claret Wine label.
A French silver-gilt Liqueur Label for Kummel.
An early Victorian letter 'W' silver wine label.
Four Tiny Toy silver Spoons.
A late Victorian silver Travelling Dip Pen.
A Victorian silver mounted novelty Propelling Pencil, Knife and Pen.
A Victorian novelty Propelling Pencil in the form of a Pistol-handled Knife.
A Sampson Mordan novelty silver Wine bottle Propelling Pencil.